Monday, September 17, 2012

Fall Overnight Reflection

During the overnight was a fun way to grow with our class. We got to have fun games that wear also away to learn during these games. Everyday we had different goals to concur every day. My favorite part of the overnight was when we got to be a 3rd world country and get to cook to for our country using the supplies we got. I thought that it was a really good experience to  bond with your team and be able to see what people strengths are. We also got to experience how hard it is to survive when you are a 3rd world country. Over all i thought this was a very good overnight the best so far and i look forward to have other good ones like this one



Stuck on Khan? Checklist
You have many resources at your disposal to help you overcome a question or difficulty.  If you have a math question that arises during Khan work time, follow the steps below:

o Click on the button “Show acceptable answer formats”.  Review the acceptable answer formats to ensure you have entered the answer in the required format. Yes

o Ensure that you have reduced your answer to simplest form.  (For example, if you entered 2/70, you would need to simplify it to 1/35).Yes

o Write down all your work on paper. Showing your work may help you identify a mistake yourself, and it can help your teacher or fellow students figure out where you got confused.Yes

o Draw a picture, if applicable.  For example, if you are solving for the area of a living room, draw a picture of the room and label any information that is given. Sometimes seeing the problem as a picture can help you figure out how to solve it. no

o Watch a video.  Appropriate videos are recommended in the “Need Help?” section of each exercise module.  This will not reset your

o Get a hint.  Use the “hints” feature in Khan to see a step-by-step solution of the problem.  This will reset your streak.yes

o Try a new question in the same exercise module.  Repeat the above steps.yes

o Ask another student who is already proficient in that exercise to help you figure out where you got stuck or to explain the concept to you. Make sure he or she helps you understand the concept and doesn’t just give you the answer.yes

o Ask your teacher for help if he or she is available.yes

o If your teacher is unavailable and none of these other methods work, move on to another exercise and return to that exercise later.yes

Math Reflection


  1. Do I consistently focus in class? Yeah, all the time

  1. Do I ask questions, watch videos, or get hints as soon as material is unclear? Yes i do

  1. Do I MASTER the test review problems? Yes, but i just make careless mistakes a lot

  1. Do I show my work?  Yes

Work Neatly?  Yes

Work carefully?  Kinda

Check my answers? Somtimes

5.  Do I get help outside of class time?no

6.  What should I continue to do in my preparation that worked well? Not make carless mistakes 

7.  How could I better prepare for the next test? Work neater 


  1. Do I read and follow the instructions at the top of the page?All the time
  1. Do I work carefully?  Most of the time

Show all of my work?  Most of the time

Work neatly?  Most of the time

Check my answers?  Somtimes

Read instructions for each problem carefully? Yes


  1. What types of errors am I making?Little carless mistakes

  1. How can I avoid making these types of errors?  (see preparation and test taking questions above) Prepare better and work hard

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jet Car Reflection

In this project we had a certain amount of supplies and test me could do. We would have to make our own cars a try to get a certain time, distance, or do a jump form table to table. I made a car and i am able to say i succeeded in this project. It took me many tries to get the perfect run. I got 8.36 meters. It took a lot of fails to get the perfect run. Then trick that made my car very good was balancing it out, because if it is slanted a little bit one way it will turn one way and not be straight. You fail some and you win some, but i just got lucky and won this one.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jet Car Thought Questions

Jet Car Thought Questions

1) Have you put a jet car into motion? What is your best distance so far? What is your grade at this point?
I have put a jet car into motion. My farthest is 7.47. MY grade is an A.

2) What is your opinion on the Balloon Jet Car project so far? Which challenge are you planning to complete?
This project was a really fun brain twister. You think that the most complicated version of a jet car will work, but in the end the simple car worked the best for me. The hardest part about is was that figuring out why it was turning a certain way.

3) Which of these statements best describe you?

  1. “I have mastered the balloon jet car challenge!”
  2. “I haven’t mastered this challenge yet but I am close.”
  3. “I wonder if I will be able to master this challenge.”
  4. “I am very frustrated and I am sure that I will not master this challenge.”


4) Fill in the circles below that apply to your car:

  • my balloon provides a good push for my car-This one
  • my wheels roll freely with little friction
  • my wheels don’t wobble-this one
  • my car is not too heavy or too light
  • my car is carefully built-this one
  • my car does not turn easily
  • my effort has been outstanding…I have worked outside of class on the project- mostly this one
  • my effort has been consistent…I do not socialize when I should be working-most of the time
  • my effort is ongoing…I plan to persevere to success

5) If a jet car travels 6 meters in 9 seconds, what is the car’s speed?
1 meter in 1.5 seconds

6) Is the answer in #5 an average or instantaneous speed? Explain.
It’s an average because it starts at 0 the reaches different speeds throughout its time from point A to point B.

7) What extra information is needed in question #5 to turn the speed answer into a velocity?
Away from Mr.Lammers desk (Aka South) and towards the door.